Jackpocket joins 2022 Gift Responsibly Campaign

Jackpocket is participating in the 2022 Gift Responsibly Campaign organised by the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) and the International Centre for Youth Gambling Problems and High-Risk Behaviours.

Based at McGill University, the campaign aims to raise awareness about the risks of gifting lottery tickets to children.

Touching on research, Jackpocket noted that the earlier a person’s participation or exposure to gambling is in childhood, the more likely they are to develop a gambling problem later in life. The group added that such exposure is often via some form of lottery product given by an adult who is likely unaware of the associated risks.

“Jackpocket strives to promote responsible gaming in every aspect of our business,” said Jackpocket Founder and CEO Peter Sullivan. “We are proud to stand with the NCPG in raising awareness that lottery tickets and scratch-offs are appropriate gifts for adults only.

“You must be at least 18 years old to place ticket orders on Jackpocket, and we urge everyone to avoid giving lotto tickets as gifts to minors – during holidays and throughout the year.”

It is the group’s fifth year participating in the campaign, with Jackpocket the first third-party lottery service to receive a responsible gambling certification from the NCPG’s Internet Responsible Gambling Compliance Assessment Programme.

NCPG Executive Director Keith Whyte commented: “Youth problem gambling has emerged as a significant and growing public health issue. We applaud Jackpocket’s commitment to raising awareness about the risks of youth gambling through the Gift Responsibly Campaign.

“Our message is a simple one: lottery tickets are never appropriate gifts for children.”

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